Monday, March 31, 2008

FOUND Part VI: 180 Degrees

Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/30/2008
Scripture Reference: II Corinthians 7:9-13 & Acts 16:16-40
Click here to listen.

Repent! This was the message this past Sunday. Repent! Where do we go from here? How does the message on Sunday translate into our weekly walk with the Lord? If you are a believer this message is an every day message to be learned. We don't just simply repent once, but rather bring our sinful burden to the Lord every day.

What are the sins in your life that need to be confessed to the Lord? What have you not given over to him? What is causing the guilt? Repentance unto life is an understanding of our sin and guilt but also the apprehension of the mercy of God in Christ Jesus. In other words, we know how deep our sin goes but we also understand that the grace of God is even deeper. So deep that the Psalms tell us that our sins will no longer be remembered by God. Yes, they are as far as the east is from the west! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for his atoning work.

This is how the message translates: repent of your sin this week. Turn from it and unto God with a full purpose of obedience after his law. Know that Christ has done what you cannot do and that as such you are forgiven if you have placed your faith in the person of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, March 24, 2008

For the Glory of it All

Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/23/2008
Scripture Reference: Luke 24:13-35
Click here to listen.

Oh what a Happy Day this past Sunday was. I knew around 8:50am that the Lord was moving in our church and that we were in for quite a ride. It was very exciting to see the earlier service with so many people ready to worship the Lord on Resurrection Sunday. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

This Sunday I realized once again how blessed I am to minister to such a great congregation. It was good to see all of your faces and to worship with you on such a special Sunday. We were able to experience a little piece of the joy that the disciples experienced when Cleopas and his friend from Emmaus reached Jerusalem after seeing Jesus alive.

This is what church is all about! We are to declare to each other the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. His resurrection is the proof of our salvation! Praise be to God our Father. Jesus lived, died, rose again and is coming back again for the glory of it all!

Monday, March 17, 2008

FOUND Part V: Faith is Blind... and Other Lies About Christianity 2

Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/16/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 16:16-40
Click here to listen.

As I was greeting my brothers and sisters at the door this past Sunday some of you commented on how you were encouraged to hear about the different elements of faith (knowledge, conviction, and trust). The elements are part of our mind, heart and will. Some of you had never heard these distinctions before.

Do you know that young people used to carry around pocket sized versions of John Calvin's institutes when he was first publishing them? I wonder what has happened in the past 500 years that we need everything in a magazine form now. Reading will challenge you to think deeper and to grow stronger in your faith.

I want to encourage all of you to go deeper in your faith and to study theology to a much greater depth. Theology is simply the study of God and his relationship to us and the world. There are some great books I would like to recommend that will take you past the normal Christian Bookstore readings and into a much greater depth. Some of these include:

Summaries of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof. This is a short book and summary of his larger works "Manual of Christian Doctrine and the even larger Systematic Theology. This Summaries book is a great start to studying theology.

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. It is interesting to me that many Christians find this writing to be "too deep". The title explains how these are the basics. Still Lewis takes us into a deeper understanding of our faith.

The Gospel for Every Day Life by Jerry Bridges. This is a great book that takes theology and speaks in every day terms. You will study the how's and why's of the Gospel as Mr. Bridges leads you into the edges of the theology of salvation.

Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray. This is another incredible small work that packs so much into so few pages. You could read a chapter a day and be completely blessed for the entire day.

These are just a few books to get started with. I hope that you might take me up on this idea and go a little deeper into the sermon series by reading some of this material. In the mean time, the Lord keep you and bless you this week.


Monday, March 10, 2008

FOUND Part IV: Faith Is Blind... and Other Lies About Christianity

Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/9/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 16:25-38
Click here to listen.

This past week we began to take a look at Faith and Repentance. These are two of the effects of Regeneration or being "born again". God implants new life and enables the believer to respond in faith and repentance.

This upcoming week we will take a close look at Faith and Repentance as we continue with part 2 of Faith is Blind...and other Lies About Christianity.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Spirit of Python

This morning I preached from Acts 16 concerning the story of the girl possessed by a spirt of Python and the story of the Philippian Jailor. Below is a video that goes along well with what I said this morning concerning the spirit of Python. A member of the church sent it to me. It is from a godly preacher--John Piper. Be blessed.

Monday, March 3, 2008

FOUND Part III: Invincible

Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/2/2008
Scripture Reference: John 5:16-24
Click here to listen.

This week we concluded Regeneration. We learned from the Scriptures the nature and effects of the new birth. I am looking forward to moving on to conversion this Lord's Day as we take a look at "Blind Faith and several other lies about Christianity".

I know it is a long title but at least it makes you think. What kind of faith is saving faith? What is involved with conversion? What is our responsbility when we hear the Gospel? I am looking forward to preaching this Sunday as we dive into these and many other questions.