Just a quick update. I am home now. I ended up in the hospital on Tuesday and thought I would be out pretty quick. I had some infection and more damgage than I previously thought. I am now on crutches, a knee immobilizer and working toward full recovery.
What I thought was really awesome was the witness of many of the people of our church. Thank you for ministering to me with cards, flowers, visits, phone calls and encouragement. It really meant a lot to be ministered to by all of you. I really do belong to a great body of believers in our Savior. I am looking forward to worshipping with you all this Lord's Day!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Home Now
Posted by Pastor Dan at 4:04 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Taste-Tester or the Real Deal - III
Pastor Dan's sermon from 6/24/2007
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 5:11-6:12
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Personal Note--I covet your prayers....
On Sunday night, I was planting a tree. In order to do so, I had to dig through the great soil of Odessa, Delaware. You know the type, rocks, sand, clay, and dry as a bone. Well, my wife went to Lowes and purchased a pick axe for me to use. I was hoping for a powered auger, but that just wasn't in the budget.
I was about 2 feet down and 2 feet wide when I began to swing the axe side to side to chip away some rock, err, I mean dirt--at least that is what they call the soil here. Just as I was thinking that I ought to be careful not to hit my leg...you guessed it...the sharp end of the pick axe found its way to the inside part of my left knee.
Long story short, I finished the job but found myself in a great deal of pain later that night. I was in so much pain, and continue to be in so much pain that I cannot walk right now. I am asking for prayer for healing if you think of it. I am on some pain meds and antibiotics and plan to see an orthopedics doctor today. Please pray that my beautiful wife would be able to keep up with her fourth child now--me. She is such a blessing.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 12:33 PM 1 comments
Judas Vs Peter
I received a great question this past week after the conclusion of my sermon series, "Taster Taster or the Real Deal?" In my sermon I compared Judas Iscariot with Peter. Judas was a taste tester and Peter was the real deal. We know this because the Scriptures record the facts that Peter repented of his betrayal whereas Judas, although sorry, did not truly repent, was filled with evil and ultimately took his own life.
The danger of identifying Judas as an example of a "taste tester" is that we know what happened to him and history (as well as the church) has labeled him as the ultimate villian. What we must consider is that Judas ministered with Jesus for 3 years. He was by his side, preaching the Good News, casting out demons, maybe even healing people. From the outside, Judas was a full disciple of Christ. Maybe this is why upon Jesus' announcement at the Last Supper that one of his own would betray him, the disciples looked around in confusion. Judas wasn't wearing an evil grin and laughing in Jesus' face. No, Judas seemed like he was the real deal.
Ultimately, Judas did not truly repent and put Jesus to open shame by rejecting the Gospel. If Judas had repented as Peter did in John 21, the end of the story might have been just the beginning for Judas.
So what do we learn from all of this? If you claim to follow Jesus Christ, you must truly repent of sin, rely on the finished work of Jesus Christ, Stay in the Word, and test your calling so that you may be mature and complete. Keep on persevering.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
How do you know the Bible is the Word of God?
I was recently listening to a Christian broadcast which was playing a few interview clips from a conservative Christian college concerning their theology on the Word of God. The simple question was, "Why do you believe the Word of God to be God's Word?" or "How do you know the Bible is the Word of God?"
The answers were very interesting. But it gave me an idea. I would like to know how you know that the Bible is the Word of God. I will post your answers on my blog. I think it would make for some great discussion and sharpening of one another. If you would like to post, click here and fire away. The question, "Why do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God?"
Posted by Pastor Dan at 10:59 PM 0 comments
"Taste-Tester or Real Deal?" Part II
Pastor Dan's sermon from 6/10/2007
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 6:4-6
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Warning: This one is long, but should only take five minutes to read...
I know the sermon hasn't been posted yet from this past week. It will be shortly when our tech guy gets back from vacation. I have been asked as to what exactly had I flip flopped on this past week? I wanted to take a moment and be clear.
Up unto Saturday night around 6pm I was under the impression that Hebrews 6:4-6 was a description of someone who is truly born again, who had fallen away (not a complete falling away), and was in a continuing pattern of sin. Because of their continuance in gross sin it is impossible for this person in Hebrews 6 to be brought back to repentance. However, if they were to turn from their sin, they could repent. (More on this in a week).
The point I flip flopped on is the position of those here described as related to whether or not they are standing in grace. These people in Hebrews 6 ARE NOT true believers though they call themselves believers. Well, how did I come to the first conclusion and what changed my mind?
One tiny word--tasted. The author uses this word here to describe these people. They have tasted of the heavenly gift (salvation, faith), the good word of God and the powers of the age to come. Now many would say (which I NOW agree with) that tasting is not the same as ingesting and full participation. The problem I had with this view before last Saturday was the fact that the same author uses the same word to describe Jesus in his redemptive work. It says that Jesus "tasted" death. If one is to draw the conclusion that these people in Hebrews 6 only tasted of something without full participation then why did the author use the same word to describe Jesus who REALLY did die?
A difficult question to be sure. Here is the short answer. Jesus did taste of death in the same way that all of God's children will taste of death. But death will not defeat the true believer. In fact Paul challenges death in I Corinthians 15--oh death where is thy sting? Grave where is your victory. Death did not have victory over Jesus--even though he physically died--he physically and spiritually rose again to defeat the grave. We are also told in Scripture that Jesus drank the cup that the Father had given to him. He also humbled himself completely to death. He tasted and he drank.
Why did I flip flop? As I studied the words "enlightened, tasted, partaking" a little further it became clear to me through several commentaries that none of these words describe salvation. In fact, none of these words are used anywhere else in Scripture to describe someone who is truly saved. It is that simple. It would be different if the author had said,
For in the case of those who have once been regenerated and have been justified and sanctified, and have received the gift of faith from God,and then have rejected Christ, it is impossible to renew them again to salvation...
But the author does not say this. As a reformed thinker I put a lot of theological weight on the words of Scripture. This case is no different.
I believe these words may be describing non-Christians but they are written to and a warning for ANYONE who calls themself a Christian. Because it is possible that the most fervent outward believer is not truly saved if they are only tasters rather than the real deal.
Jesus Christ demands full commitment from his followers. A person who is truly a believer is sold out, the real deal, indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Let me put it this way with an illustration. When I was younger I would only put my toes in the ocean. There was no way I was going to get into that water with those scary waves. As I got older I finally picked up a surfboard. I was determined to become a surfer. Now I look for the biggest waves and when I find them, I charge out full steam ahead. These people in Hebrews 6 are like many self proclaimed Christians in that they are standing on the beach with their toes in the water. They see and taste the blessing but they never experience the thrill of riding the wave. They are what surfers like to call fake surfers--posers.
I don't want to be a poser and so I continue to work out my salvation with fear and trembling--all Christians are called to this--work it out--be diligent--if we do these things, we will never fall.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 9:33 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
The Point of No Return?
I am continuing to enjoy the study of Hebrews 6:4-6 this week as I was unable to reach the end of all that I have to say about the passage last Sunday. I was told this past week that I left everyone hanging but interested in what the passage means. That is an exciting place for a pastor to be for sure.
The question that we all want to answer in this passage is, who are the "those" in Hebrews 6:4? Are they Christians, non-Christians, tasters, testers or the real deal?
We know one thing for sure, these people, whoever they might be are unable to be brought to repentance. How is this possible? Is this the sin that Jesus refers to in the Gospel of Luke about blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? Is this the unforgivable sin? Are these Christians who have fallen away for good and have lost their salvation?
My approach this Sunday will be different than many of the traditional views on this text. I have studied it long and hard and believe I have arrived at some sound conclusions. My last post may give some hints to where I am going but I do not believe it fully reveals what I believe is the truth in this passage.
If you want to get ready for this Lord's Day I would encourage you to read Hebrews 5:11-6:12. Particularly study the words carefully in verse 4-6. These people who are unable to repent are in the midst of something. It is not about what they have done but what they are currently doing and continue to do. This passage is not about the unforgivable sin...this particular sin is forgivable...
Posted by Pastor Dan at 9:55 AM 5 comments
Sunday, June 3, 2007
"Taste-Tester or Real Deal?"
Pastor Dan's sermon from 6/3/2007
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 6:4-6
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 8:44 PM 0 comments