Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Book of Daniel Part 6 - A Tale of Three Kings
Pastor Dan's sermon from 12/14/2008
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 12:22 PM 0 comments
It's Christmas Time
I have been currently preaching through the book of Daniel. However, this and the following week, as we rapidly approach Christmas Day, I would like to take a detour from Daniel as I preach a series I am calling, "Christmas Verses". I want to get down to the essence of what the birth of Christ really means to the follower of Christ. I am hoping that this season, as we traditionally focus on the first advent of our Savior, that I will be able to preach from God's Word what that advent really means as we await the second advent of the Messiah.
I'd like to encourage you to bring your family and friends as I believe these messages will not only convict and change the mature believer but they will also be an opportunity to introduce the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unbeliever. We ought to preach the Gospel to ourselves every day. Christ has come, Christ has risen, Christ will come again! And why? Because God so Let's tell it to the world this Christmas. Step out, invite your friends and family and let's see what God's Word can do in people's lives.
We will take a look at a few passages of Scripture that I am calling, "Christmas Verses". I believe they capture the theological essence of the coming of the Jesus and the birth of our Savior 2000 years ago. I hope you will enjoy the series and I hope you are stretched, challenged and pointed past the manger and toward the cross and resurrection of our Lord. May the Lord bless you this Christmas Season.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Standing on the Balcony
There he was-the king-content and prosperous standing on a balcony overlooking his huge kingdom. He was a great success. There was peace in the land, wealth and prosperity. Best of all, the great king was the figurehead of the greatest empire.
We are all standing on our own balconies. We are overlooking our kingdoms. Some of us are living in times of peace and prosperity while others are still working on conquering the land. But we all see ourselves as kings. We are all looking over our kingdoms wondering what we must accomplish next. We are all prideful.
Pride goes before destruction. Some are outwardly destructive and others are more sneaky about their destruction. But one thing is for sure, pride always wreaks havoc. It wreaks havoc when it shows up in our speech. It wreaks havoc when it shows up in our actions. Pride always destroys. It never builds up. Pride essentially is when a person crowns themselves as king and lord of their life and claims credit for the blessings the Lord has given them. Pride is as old as the fall.
This is the beginning of the tale of the second king. You are standing on a balcony. I am standing on a balcony. The world is standing on a balcony. Who will we give all of the glory to? Will it be the giver of all things? Will it be the King of Kings? Or will we go on thinking ourselves to be king of our own kingdoms?
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Book of Daniel Part 5 - A Tale of Three Kings
Pastor Dan's sermon from 12/7/2008
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Daniel - When Faith Burns
Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/30/2008
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Daniel - Where is the Kingdom of God?
Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/23/2008
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Is Siddhi Safe?
We have been asked by many people whether or not Siddhi is safe in India. We believe that she is. First of all, she is not in Mumbai. She is far away from the attacks. But secondly but most important, she is in the hands of our Sovereign God. We are not fearful. God sits in the heavens and laughs at those who would oppose him. They have come before and they will come again.
God has a plan for little Siddhi. I don't know the outcome of the plan but I know that she is his daughter before she is my daughter. Even so, I would ask that all of you pray for Siddhi. Laura and I are waiting for the call to go and pick her up. We are waiting for both governments to clear us. Please pray that God's will would be done.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:41 PM 0 comments
When Faith Burns
Tomorrow, I will be preaching from Daniel 3. Many preachers have used this text to talk about how we need to be faithful in times of trial. Other preachers might focus on the deliverance aspect of Daniel 3. It is true that God did deliver his three faithful servants from the fires of the king. But there is one verse in Daniel 3 that we could easily miss if we are not careful.
When the three Jewish captives are asked who might deliver them from the king's fires they respond with the name of God. However, they also add that it is just as much possible that God will not save them as it is possible that he will keep them from harm. Sometimes, faith burns.
Hebrews 11 is a great passage of examplary faith. Yet even in this passage the writer, when finished speaking about all of the heroes of old, speaks of those who had the same kind of faith yet were sawed in two on occasion.
Do we have faith in faith? Or do we have a faith that burns? Is our faith in a sovereign God and his will for us or is it in our own faith? Sometimes, true faith burns.
I'm looking forward to preaching through this famous text tomorrow. I hope that the Holy Spirit will speak to all of us in a powerful way.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Where is the Kingdom of God?
Jim Jones believed he had found the Kingdom of God. Indeed he believed that he was God incarnate. He led over 900 other souls to believe that he had brought the Kingdom of God to bear on the world in a mosquito infested, hot-as-hell, cult compound in the middle of a jungle in South America. When it became all to clear that Jim Jones was just an angry drugged out drunk he began a murderous rampage that involved mass-suicide and the death of hundreds of children and adults. Jim Jones' congregation were looking for the Kingdom of God in the midst of a broken world. The Kingdom of God had not been revealed in Jonestown.
In the 1970's Jimmy Carter claimed to be a born again Christian and a new political kingdom was born. Evangelicals, Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jews, and even non-religious people banded together to form a Moral Majority. Their mission was to be an expression of the Kingdom of God on earth through the public square. Theology was kicked to the curb and a confusion of the Kingdoms was once again en vogue. America was God's Country. Evangelicals were looking for the Kingdom of God in the midst of a broken world. After 30 years of hard fought politics many Christians are confused because they have found that the Kingdom of God is not revealed in a moralistic America.
Am I saying that Jim Jones cult members and the Christian Right are one in the same? No way. What I am trying to demonstrate is that misunderstood theology of last things leads to very dangerous conclusions and results. When we confuse the two Kingdoms or ignore what is called "eschatology" (study of redemptive history) our whole view of the world is thrown off balance.
Let's admit it. Everything is not right with the world today. War, immorality, failed promises, economic problems, social injustice, crime, and the list goes on. The American Church is struggling to find it's place in the midst of post-modernism. If you are honest with yourself you may have thought at one time or another, "Where is the Kingdom of God?"
Jesus spoke of this Kingdom. He said that it was coming and that it had already arrived. We are told that Jesus has conquered sin and death and yet sin and death still seem to have victory. Just turn on the news for a few minutes and you will see what I am talking about. Where is this Kingdom of God?
This week, and perhaps in the coming weeks, I am going to be preaching on the Kingdom of God through the book of Daniel. I chose the book of Daniel because I believe it will bring comfort to God's church in the midst of difficult times. Our understanding of the Kingdom of God will teach us how to live in the public square as we keep our hearts fixed on this Kingdom that Jesus spoke of so long ago.
If you want to come prepared this Sunday I would encourage you to read Daniel chapter 2. Ask God to open your heart to his Word and allow the Holy Spirit to bring to bear his Word on your life.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Making History
My wife and I sat on the couch completely in awe of the events that we saw unfolding before our eyes. No one could have scripted a movie or drama that would even compare. I knew as I watched President-Elect Barack Obama take the stage that I was witnessing a true historic event. It was hard to not be caught in the emotion and the weight of the moment as he began another speech--only this time he was speaking to the nation as our next President. People all over the world were celebrating the new era of American politics and policy.
I am not a political expert. I vote my conscience and try to honor the Lord as I labor in two kingdoms. You have heard me preach about my understanding of the Kingdom of this world and the Kingdom that is not of this world. I do not hold to the values and ideology that our new President holds to and yet I can see the great impact and significance that America's choice will have and has already had on the world and in our country. What our next President has done is remarkable in and of itself. He is a brilliant man, a leader and now he is our President. ANd he is a pretty good speaker--that will be a nice change for sure (not that this makes a good leader).
The Christian's responsibility is to pray for our leaders. Romans 13 tells us that God himself placed these very leaders in their offices. Therefore we ought to pray for them so that we might live peaceful and quiet lives--so that the Gospel may go out to the corners of the world. Does this mean that our fight against injustice for the unborn is now over? Absolutely not. Does this mean that we ought not to protest decisions that are made that violate God's law? Hardly.
But perhaps we now have the opportunity to reflect on where the American Church has been for the past 50 years. Have we lost our way? Were politics ever the answer to our problems? Is our identity determined by CNN to be a voting group called "Evangelicals/Born Agains"? To quote Maximus in Gladiator when referring to the blood thirsty crowd in the Colisseum, "There was vision for a kingdom and this is not it...this is not it!"
A new age has truly dawned in America. I don't mean to say that change is actually coming or that we can now look forward to a brighter day. I think the days ahead are just as uncertain as they were yesterday. But I take comfort and rest in the promises that our God has set up His kingdom through Christ Jesus and it shall never falter. We don't hold elections every four years to elect a new Messiah. He is King and his Kingdom is not of this world. So until he comes again to consumate his Kingdom we ought to keep living as if the next moment would be before the Lord in glory.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 7:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Daniel - No Compromise Part 2
Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/02/2008
Scripture Reference: Daniel 1:1-25
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Siddhi's Video
You can see how Siddhi is very responsive. She hears her name and responds, makes eye contact and is pretty active. These are all great encouragements to us. She is also wearing a little dress for the first time. Many of the children in the background are waiting for adoptive families. If you and your family or anyone you know is looking to adopt, do not hesitate to contact us!
Posted by Pastor Dan at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Daniel - No Compromise
Pastor Dan's sermon from 10/26/2008
Scripture Reference: Daniel 1:1-25
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Phillies and 9:15am
Posted by Pastor Dan at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
No Compromise
This week, I will begin a series on the book of Daniel. Daniel is a book that has caused a lot of controversy over the years. It is a prophetic book with historical narrative. It records some of the greatest stories of the Babylonian exile yet points to the future of the Last Days. The Lord has led me to preach through this book because one of the overarching themes in the prophet's book is that the Kingdom of God will prevail--no matter how dark the world gets.
I think this is a message that we need to hear today. Our world is a very dark place in many respects. The future is uncertain, people are tired of rhetoric, there are wars, famine and epidemics and we need hope. Our hope can only be found in God's Son, Jesus Christ. This is the message of Daniel.
This week, I will be preaching from Daniel 1:2-23. We will take a look at how a few of God's people had the chance to escape the darkness of a defeated Jerusalem. They had the chance to start their lives over in the royal courts of Babylon. All they had to do was make a few small adjustments in their practices and faith and they and their families would be set for the rest of their lives. They just needed a little bit of a compromise.
What we end up seeing is a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ in the desert. All he had to do was compromise just a bit and he could avoid the Cross--or so that is what Satan would have him believe.
I can't help but think that we too will have a chance to compromise. We have a chance to compromise our world view, our pocket books, our morality and our belief system. Will we bow to the pressures of the world or will we come lay our burdens down at the cross of Christ and show no compromise?
Read Daniel 1:1-23 as you prepare to take this journey with me each Lord's Day.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Evangelical Mythos Part 3 - Clubhouse or LifeHouse?
Pastor Dan's sermon from 10/12/2008
Scripture Reference: 1 Timothy 2:1-10
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
What's Our Role?
It's official--the world is really messed up. Russia is resurging, Iran wants another holocaust, America and the free world can't fix their financial woes and so the beat goes on, and on and on. If you watch the TV for too long you might work yourself into a panic. Yet as a supposed Great Depression 2 looms, life continues to move along at pretty much the same pace. People are still going on vacation, improving their homes, buying new cars and the beat goes on and on and on.
The world feels panicked and many are losing hope. What is the role of the church in all of this? We are to be a lifehouse. In order to be a lifehouse we have to lay our own concerns and comforts on the line and extend the life preserving Gospel. In other words, our first concern cannot be our retirement plans, bank accounts or luxuries--our first concern must be in the fact that the world is lost and that they will be looking for hope in dark times. We have an opportunity to be a lifehouse in much the same way that Joseph was a lifehouse in the midst of great famine in Egypt.
I completed a two part series on Evangelical Mythos this past week and I am planning on taking us through 1 Timothy 2:1-10 for at least this week as we take a look at how we can be a lifehouse, how we can rearrange our thinking and how we can be effective witnesses of the lifesaving Gospel that our dark world needs to hear.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Evangelical Mythos Pt. 2 - Bootstrap Faith
Pastor Dan's sermon from 10/5/2008
Scripture Reference: Ephesians 2:1-10
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
What is Refuge?
GRPC is heading full steam into battle. The battle we are fighting is the epidemic of the fatherless. There are 143,000,000 orphans around the world today and we will begin by helping one.
This past Sunday I introduced the Refuge Ministry for about 10 minutes. What are some of the things that we will be doing in the near future and distant future?
1. We will be looking to help local children who are need of families through foster care, providing for foster families, assisting foster families, helping our own families become foster parents.
2. We will continue to offer help to families who want to adopt both domestic and international children through grants, covenant loans, raising support, counseling, and support groups and networks.
3. We will have projects throughout the year that the entire church can be involved in.
4. We are hoping to partner with international orphanages (which we are already doing) to help them meet their ministry needs, send our people on short term missions and support them in their efforts.
5. We would like to begin partnering with organizations who are need of building orphanages.
There are many more things that we will be doing...this is just a start to help at least one. What are some of the practical ways that you can get involved? First, get in contact with Pastor Dan and let him know that you are indeed interested in helping in some way. He will put you in touch with the right people and sign you up for Refuge updates. The Refuge needs people who are interested in:
1. Praying for the ministry.
2. Financially supporting the ministry so that we can partner with "children at risk" ministries across the world. EVERY PENNY will go toward helping GRPC minister to the children at risk around the world.
3. Adoption
4. Foster Care.
5. Administration, Advertising and Promoting the ministry
6. Website Designers
7. Contractors and Construction workers and skilled workers who can assist in construction projects.
8. Members who can help organize short term missions trips across the world.
Obviously, this is just a start. There is a place FOR EVERYONE who wants to be involved in Refuge.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas that you might have. We are so excited about embarking on this journey. We want as many people as possible to come along for the ride.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Evangelical Mythos Pt. I - The Bible and Me
Pastor Dan's sermon from 9/7/2008
Scripture Reference: II Peter 1:12-21; 3:14-18
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Evangelical Mythos
Mythos--The pattern of basic values and attitudes of a people, characteristically transmitted through myths and the arts.
Something has been passed on to each successive generation of American Christians. The question we must ask is whether or not the truth of the Gospel has been transmitted or some useless fables.
To be called an Evangelical used to mean something very specific. Calling oneself anEvangelical was a way of identifying oneself with the truth of Scripture, the doctrines of grace and faith, the belief in Christ as the Messiah and the desire to give God glory alone. However, today, through the watering down of Scripture, the doctrines of faith and grace and of the person and work of Jesus Christ and exactly who and what God is, Evangelical has come to mean something much different. All one has to do is turn on the television (TBN etc) and see that many in the church have fallen WAY off the deep end of kookiness and idiocracy. If what I see on TV represents true Christianity than I am damned.
I would argue that Evangelical is an all-inclusive term that does not mean what it used to mean. This is why I cringe when I am lumped in with a bunch of people who claim to be "Evangelical" yet they do not even know what the Gospel is, what the Bible says, what they believe, or even why they believe it.
Evangelicalism has become something you "feel" or "experience" or have a "relationship" with rather than what you "know" and "believe". It has become all about the persons subjective experience rather than about the good historical news of who Jesus is, what God has revealed about himself in Scripture and what duty God requires of man.
Over the next few weeks I want to examine five areas in which the pillars of the church have cracked and in many cases have come crashing down. I want to look at Scripture, Faith, Grace, the person of Jesus and the glory that is due to God alone. I hope that you will come along on this journey and that you will be challenged by God's Word as you ask what myths you may have bought into in the evangelical world.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Men's Worship
Last night, our church called the men of the church together for worship, the preaching of the Word, sacrament and prayer. More than half of our men attended. It was unbelievable as we were engaged by the Living God. There was no programmatic point but to join in worship of our Redeemer.
Honestly, there were moments were I was overwhelmed in worship as I just listened to the sound of the men's voices resonating off of the walls of the church. As we sang "And Can It Be" it was almost as if men were realizing once again the reason why they call themselves a disciple of Christ. Last night is a picture of what Paul meant when he said to Timothy, "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer."
I didn't know what to expect. None of us did. But God showed up on our doorstep and engaged his people. Is it any wonder that all who were there were blown away by the Gospel once again. Thank God for His Son, the one who did what we could not and cannot do. Live the life of gratitude.
I can't wait for the next time that the brothers and fathers of the church come together again to worship the Living God.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:12 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Impact: The Final Journey
Pastor Dan's sermon from 8/24/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 21-28
Click here to listen.
In this sermon I bring to a close our year long study of Acts. The reason why I chose to preach on the final section of Acts in one sermon is because I wanted to present the situation for what it was: a whirlwind! It is my hope that as you listen you will get a feel for the climax of the book as Paul is on a mission of grace. The whole scenario plays out like a movie. It is amazing to see how God's sovereign hand accomplished his purposes to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth through his humble servant Paul and the ministry of the Apostles.
I hope you are blessed by God's Word.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
IMPACT: Part 2
Tomorrow I am preaching on Acts 21-28. I was thinking a congregational reading is probably out of the picture. But I would like to suggest that each person from the congregation should read the entire story contained in these chapters. Tomorrow, we will bring to a close our year long study of Acts. Why will we end the study with such a huge chunk of Scripture?
I believe these last few accounts need to be taken together. Sure, there are plenty of individual sermons in the text, but when we take the whole last part of Acts as a whole we can begin to see the picture that Luke is painting. This is certainly the last act and the climax of the historical account of the movement of the Gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). These chapters sound like the script to a great movie.
As I was reading the accounts I couldn't stop thinking about a recurring theme. Why was Paul on trial? What brought him into these crazy circumstances and adventure? Is Luke just telling us what happened to Paul or is there more to the inspiration of this text? The theme in these chapters is the message of the Gospel. Paul says that he is in chains because of the hope of Israel. He is in chains because of the Lord Jesus Christ--the resurrection and the life.
Luke's whole purpose is the story of the Gospel. He begins and ends with an impact--the mission of grace. Paul's mission is coming to an end in Rome as he ends his life preaching the Gospel of grace. Luke is telling us not only of the impact of Paul's ministry but more importanly the impact of the Gospel.
Are we still impacted by the Gospel? I don't mean for us to be driven to morality or more good deeds. I am asking if we are impacted by the historical events and purpose of Jesus' life, death and resurrection--that is the Gospel. When we are impacted by the Gospel we are driven to the cross. My hope and prayer is that tomorrow, as we invoke God to speak to us through his Word, that we would once again be impacted by the mission of grace.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Impact: Mission of Grace
Pastor Dan's sermon from 8/17/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 20:13-38
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Don't Grieve For Me
I have this friend that I have been close to for a long time. We have been through many things together. We have been through great times and rough times. We have even had some things that could potentially come between us. Yet we have always been able to remain close. Although we don't see each other much, when we do, it is as if we have spent every minute together for the time we were away. We just pick up where we left off. That is a rare thing to have in a friendship. So I treasure this friendship. When I spend time with this friend I am sad when the time is over.
This week, we will be back in Acts. We will pick up in Acts 20:13 as Paul says his final goodbyes to the Ephesian Elders. When I study a passage to preach I usually just read through the passage before I read anyone else's work on the subject or the passage. This helps me to steer away from imposing a meaning on the passage that may or may not be present. While reading this passage something hit me pretty hard...
As Paul finishes his farewell warnings and says his final goodbyes, the elders gather around him and we are told that they were deeply troubled. Luke tells us that the reason for their grief was that Paul told them they would never see his face again. I believe the Holy Spirit has laid this Scripture on my heart to expound upon for our congregation over the next few weeks. What causes men to grieve over the loss of another man? Why were these men so attached to Paul and so concerned for him, his ministry and his life? I believe Acts 20 will reveal the reasons why Paul had such and IMPACT on these men, on this region, and on this church.
What enables a man to have such an IMPACT upon people? I believe it is the mission of grace. A mission is a purpose...or as Paul calls it in Acts is a race that is to be run until completed. Paul labored for the Gospel and this is why these elders so grieved him--he was on a mission for grace--he made the ultimate IMPACT in their lives.
I hope you will join me over the next few weeks as we talk about the IMPACT Jesus Christ has on our lives and on those affected by this message of grace.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
A Midnight Prayer
How great you are in heaven, we praise your Holy Name.
Will your kingdom come quickly? We pray that it would be so.
Even now we wonder what are daughter is doing. Is she healthy?
Does she feel loved? Father, we pray that your will would be done
In her life as you have already determined in heaven before all time.
We pray that you would sustain her daily with bread and with your power.
We pray that you would keep her safe from all that is evil. Protect her for us Father.
Father we pray for her deliverance from physical and spiritual harm. Surround her with
your loving arms and hold her firmly in your grip.
Guide us, direct us and sustain us until the day that we meet our little girl.
It is in your son's name, Jesus Christ, that we ask and pray all of these things.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Lord Cares For Her
Jesus tells his disciples that their Father knows even when a sparrow falls from a tree. How much more than does he care for his children? Little Siddhi has been placed in foster care which means she will receive 24 hour one on one care. She will be fed constantly and feel what it is like to be part of a family. Her foster home is very close to her orphanage and the doctor's office. The director of the orphanage has so much love and care for these little ones--she really is amazing. Pray that Siddhi would begin to gain weight. Also pray for her foster family.
Isn't our God sovereign? Isn't he in control of all the details no matter how big or small? Aren't you blessed to know that chance, fate or mistake has no bearing on our God's great plan for all of us? The Lord is teaching us to let go of our fear. I have a lot of fear to let go of.
The tragic loss of my 16 year brother Mark in 1993 wounded me in ways that I am just discovering. I have lived in fear since that horrible night--before than I was more or less fearless. Jesus tells us to Fear Not! Jesus tells us to not let our hearts be troubled. Our great God is the only one to be feared. I am learning to let go and let the Lord.
There is nothing I can do to speed up the harvest or teleport myself off of this rock (America) and over to another (India)--to quote a young farmboy. Rather, we take comfort in knowing that in God's perfect timing we will meet our little daughter, adopt her into our family and let her experience the love of a family and her heavenly Father--who is sovereignly watching over this little sparrow.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Real Men of Genius - PT. 5 - D-Day
Pastor Dan's sermon from 8/03/2008
Scripture Reference: Joshua 24
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Our Adoption Journey--Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
This Sunday was such a blessing for my family to share with you our adoption journey. We have already been on the road for sometime now and so having the freedom to tell all of you what the Lord has been doing is very liberating. We want to share the journey with you. We need your support and your prayers in order to bring Siddhi home.
Let me bring you up to speed. Siddhi is a little girl who is in the orphanage that the REACH Teen Ministry assisted by sending them much needed baby formula of a special type that was not available in India. She is 8 lbs and 10 months old--tiny. But her name means something very special--freedom from hunger and thirst. My heart breaks and cries even as I write these words. In fact words cannot describe how much love we already have for our little girl in India.
We are praying that the adoption is able to speed up because of her health. She needs good care and needs to get healthy. We know we can offer her both. She also needs a father and a mother and family who love her. We are on a fast track to bring Siddhi home and we are trusting the Lord that she will be home in his time.
How can you help? We know that many of you will already be praying for us. Pray that the Lord would guide us clearly every step of the way and that we would trust in Him as our refuge in all of this. Pray for Siddhi's health and that she would be safe in His loving hands. God truly does have the whole world in his hands--even this little girl.
We also are in need of financial assistance to bring Siddhi home. Adoption is expensive. It will cost upwards of 25,000.00 to complete the adoption. Somehow the Lord has given us the funds to keep moving forward yes we have our biggest financial burdens ahead of us in a few short weeks. I know that the Lord will provide. If you are able to help in this area we would be humbled and blessed beyond words. I have included the information you can use to support us at the end of today's post.
Thank you so much for your support and your prayers on this journey. If you would like to receive upates just shoot me a line at and I will add you to our support list.
To support us financially you can send a check or deliver a check to GRPC:
Make the check payable to GRPC. Put "Adoption Fund" in the memo line. The Adoption Fund at GRPC helps families with the financial burden of adoption and opens up many possibilities for families who are led to adopt.
The address for GRPC is 2880 Summit Bridge Road, Bear, DE 19701. You can call the church office and speak with Scott Winchester for more details about how to support the adoption fund at (302)834-4772.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 11:45 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Real Men of Genius Part IV: The Perfect Woman - Fearless and Faithful
Pastor Dan's sermon from 7/27/2008
Scripture Reference: I Peter 3:1-7
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Playing Hardball with Church Softball
This past week, during my sermon on male leadership I used an illustration about Church Softball. My point in the illustration was to cause ALL of the men in the church to ask questions about how they spend their time. Softball is an easy target because many of the men at our church are involved in it. They love to play softball. The point was not to put down those men that do play softball but to ask all men in the church to investigate how they spend their time.
I started off the point by asking, "Is your spiritual tank full?" This was in response to the point that men, who are called to provide spiritually for their families must have a full spiritual tank in order to provide anything at all. Of course, I was able to speak with a few softball players after the service and we had a good laugh while also realizing the importance of the point.
The point was NOT to say that NO ONE should be playing softball or that those who do play are somehow spiritually bankrupt. This was made clear in the sermon. The point was for those who are spiritually bankrupt or empty to take inventory and reprioritize and for those who feel as if they have it all together to re-examine themselves in light of Jesus Christ. If our men do not study the Scriptures in depth but are able to hit home runs than we have accomplished nothing as a body. We need spiritually sound minds in our men and this is accomplished by being challenged in God's Word. Many of the men on our teams are spiritual giants and many others do struggle to stay focused. As with any other point from a sermon--if the shoe (or in this case the cleat) fits...lace it up and run with it.
But the challenge is also for me. I am your pastor and I want to offer something for you men that I would want to go to. Sometimes we reason that softball/sports are ways to spend quality time with each other while another Bible Study is just a waste of time. I don't believe that is the case in the coming months with what we are offering. This Fall, I am offering a class for all of the men in our church, that I believe, will revolutionize our lives, our homes and our walks with the Lord. It is called, "The Walk of Repentance". This study will transform your life and I am asking you to give me the opportunity to prove it. We are starting in September and we will run this class all year long. It is for all men for all walks and stages of maturity. More on this soon.
For now, brothers press on and may the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Real Men of Genius Part III: Adam, Where Are You?
Pastor Dan's sermon from 7/20/2008
Scripture Reference: Ephesians 5:21-31
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A Man At Peace
“A Heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Proverbs 14:30
I had a revelation a while back when I was on my way to church one morning around 7:40am. I was about 15 minutes away from the church and I was supposed to be there in 5 minutes. I was running late. It also seemed as if I was being held back by every single stop light and every single slow moving person on the road. There was no way I was going to be on time this morning. In my anger I was wondering why God has to put every single slow person on the road and stop me with every single stop light in Delaware. Why can’t he read the situation and clear the road for me. That was when a few light bulbs went on in my head.
Tardiness was a pattern in my life. I was always about 12 minutes late wherever I went. It didn’t matter if it was a place I wanted to be or a place I didn’t care so much for. I was always about 12 minutes late on average. If I really thought I about this chronic problem I began to realize that my lateness and the amount of obstacles on the way to my destination were directly related. Not only this but my anger level and impatience were also related these factors. So I changed. I began leaving for places so that I would be 15 minutes early rather than right on time. Do you know that as soon as I did this the roads were a lot easier to navigate. I didn’t see to many slow people on the road. Stop lights seemed less frequent. Above all of this I never struggled with self control or patience. Go figure.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Real Men of Genius Part II: Can't We All Just Get Along?
Pastor Dan's sermon from 7/13/2008
Scripture Reference: Genesis 2-3
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Real Men of Genius Part I: Can't We All Just Get Along?
Pastor Dan's sermon from 7/6/2008
Scripture Reference: Genesis 2-3
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Between a Man and a Woman
This week, we will take a step away from Acts as I begin a series on Men and Women. Originally, I thought I would begin with men and continue on with the women. However, as I have been studying God's Word I have decided that we need to start with a strong foundation. To this end, we will go all the way back to Adam and Eve and start where it all began. For at least the first week we will take a look at God's created order. In the following weeks we will take a closer look at what God requires of men and women.
This series is for all ages from younger adults to mature adults. It doesn't matter if you are single or married. This series is for each of us. I am very conscious of the fact that not everyone in our congregation is either married or happily married. If you are single you will be able to apply God's truth to your life. If you are unhappily married than I pray God's Word would do wonders and miracles in your relationship.
I have chosen to tackle this subject matter while our younger covenant children are participating in S4. S4 is designed for your children to worship and grow in the faith. Although I believe it is important for your children to worship with you on the Lord's Day, I also believe there are times when it is appropriate to offer them different subject matter. Your worship on the Lord's Day should not be limited to an hour or two on Sunday morning. I am encouraging you to allow your children to participate in S4 as we deal with some mature matters over the next 6 weeks. I would also encourage you to stick around for Dr. Betters' sermon series on things your children should know from the Proverbs.
It is my prayer that families and marriages, relationships and hearts would be transformed by God's Word over the next several weeks. Pray that God would bring revival to his people here at GRPC and around the world through the preaching of his Word.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
When God Moves Part III: He Stirs the Melting Pot
Pastor Dan's sermon from 6/29/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 19:23-34
Click here to listen.
In this sermon we examine how God stirs the pot when he moves. We also focused on how Satan and the evil forces of the spiritual world will always counter against the work of God. But we can be assured that Satan will never win the war as we are clothed in the full armor of God.
I am encouraging the congregation to ask what God has called each of them to do. Has he called you to something great? Something that is illogical? Something that will stretch you and sanctify you? Sometimes we have to throw caution and logic out the window so that we can answer the call of God. When this happens, we can be sure that our flesh and the powers of this world will counter our calling.
I hope that you will be moved to action and transformation by this third part of the series "When God Moves". The series deals with the issues of nominal Christianity, Reformation and Revival and Spiritual Warfare. Will you allow God to move in and through you?
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Is Revival Impossible?
Once a man who wondered how God could possibly bring revival to such a dry and thirsty land asked a great evangelical preacher how revival was possible. The preacher asked him, "Do you know how to pray?" The man responded, "Of course,". The preacher said, "That's great. Now do you have a spot in which you can pray?" "Yeah, I can think of one," said the man with a little impatience. Seeing the impatience in the man's eyes the preacher said, "Then I want you to go to that spot to pray, but take a piece of chalk with you. After you kneel down to pray draw a circle around yourself and ask the Lord to bring revival to everything and everyone in that circle."
If you are honest with yourself you know that you have asked this same question. You desire revival and renewal and reformation yet you see Mount Everest in front of you and you have no idea how to climb. Reformation and Revival in the American church is a growing mountain of despair and yet by the grace of God it is not by human effort that revival comes. We all need to go to a place to pray, draw a circle and ask God to bring revival to the person in that circle. Let God work on flattening the mountains of despair.
I am convinced that Satan is using despair and self loathing Christians to hold back revival and reformation for God's church in America. This doesn't mean that God will not have victory where he moves. The Church in America has thrived since America began over 200 years ago. Now Satan is on the move and seems to be gaining ground? Why? Because Christians see Mount Everest and they believe they have come to climb with a pair of tennis shoes rather than mountain climbing gear. And yet we are not even the climbers. However, Satan has opposed any kind of revival and reformation by persecuting the church, perverting the doctrines of the church, and preventing revival.
I do not believe that the American church has experienced persecution. However, I do believe that as a whole true church doctrines have been perverted and that Satan has prevented revival on the basis of false doctrine. There can be no revival where there is no reformation. To be sure, revival is birthed from reformation. How can we be renewed when we are not reformed? How can we experience grace when we have no understanding of grace?
When God's people have rejected and forgotten His Word they are not able to identify true revival. Instead we accept false revival (e.g. signs and wonders movements) as true revival as one extreme or on the other side of the coin we do not desire revival at all and are content to continue with our programs and ingrown toenail churches.
Will we allow Satan to prevent revival by perverting the doctrines of the church? This is the time for us to go to our places of prayer with a piece of chalk. This is the time for us to go to the Lord in prayer and ask that he might revive our hearts and bring reformation to our homes. Until this happens, revival is impossible. God does not bring about revival in passive waiting. So what are we waiting for?
Posted by Pastor Dan at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Does God Still Move?
I am wrestling with this question as I preach from the miraculous passages of Acts 19. You must admit that you too have wrestled with this question when you read about the miraculous nature of the early church's ministry. The pattern goes something like this: Paul travels, preaches, the Holy Spirit "lands", miracles take place. Does God still move in mysterious and miraculous ways? Does He still authenticate the message of the preacher in a supernatural way? I am not sure I have a complete answer as I write this.
However, as I read Acts 19 and I study the account given to us by Luke I am certain of a few things. I can sum it up in this way: when nominal Christians become actual Christians God moves in mysterious and miraculous ways. When the church is built upon a solid foundation of sound doctrine God moves his people to do miraculous and wondrous things. For this to happen we must have a Christ-filled Christianity.
Isn't a Christ-filled Christianity redundant? Sadly, there are many forms of Christless religions that are labeled as Christianity. I believe that Apollos in Acts 18 and the "disciples" in Acts 19 where a perfect example of a Christianity without Christ. We call these kinds of people "nominal" Christians. Nominal means to be supposed as something that you aren't.
We wonder today why God doesn't seem to move in and through us. Maybe it is because we are supposedly something that in actuality we are not. In fact I would suggest that if God is not moving in and through you it is impossible to call yourself a Christian. Isn't it in Him that we live and move and breath? More on this on Sunday...
Posted by Pastor Dan at 3:26 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Rules of Engagement Part III: Stand Tall Stand Fast
Scripture Reference: Acts 18:1-16
Click here to listen.
This past week I wrapped up the series, "The Rules of Engagement". We learned from Paul's ministry in Acts that we must thrive by the Word of God, know our culture, and finally that we must never compromise, nor be afraid as we proclaim the Gospel.
I hope that you are continually encouraged to engage your world for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that after a great holiday season I promise myself that I will begin "eating right" on "Monday". I sort of push myself to the nutritional brink during certain seasons of the

I want to encourage you not to fold, but rather stand fast and stand tall. Do not be afraid in this world for the Lord is with us. Continue (or start for that matter) speaking of the mercy of our Lord and the salvation that is found in Christ. Do not become silent as you will be tempted to do. Remember the conviction that you felt when God's Word was opened to you. Now go out and do battle. To be sure, another Monday will come and go. But will you have listened to the prompting of the Lord to stand fast and stand tall for the Gospel?
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Rules of Engagement Part II: The Lay of the Land
Pastor Dan's sermon from 5/18/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 17:16-32
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Why Your Children Should Worship With You
In a few weeks, we will be ending our Sunday School program for a few weeks as we move into Summer. That means every family in GRPC will have an opportunity to worship as a family. I wanted to take some time to discuss the importance of family worship in the context of Sunday mornings. Feel free to respond to this article and discuss what the Lord is teaching you.

DO NOT PROVOKE THEM. I love to tease my kids. Not in a derogatory way. I love to play jokes on them. My wife often hates it when I play jokes on my kids because she knows I often push the limit so far that someone ends up very frustrated. My son loves to eat peanuts and will often ask me for just a few to snack on. I will kid with him and say, “Daddy ate them all.” We will get into a sort of verbal spar as I take on a serious face. Finally, my son will notice the small start of a smile on my face and his eyes will light up as the joke registers with him. “Daddy, you’re teasing!” This will usually end up with a handful of peanuts in my sons hands. When Paul speaks of provocation he is talking about a kind of exasperation. Literally he is saying that parents must not provoke their children to anger. I wish that he had given this instruction to my children!
What provokes our children to anger when it comes to Sunday worship? I suggest that hypocrisy in worship will do more damage to our children than almost any other

We cannot tell our children how important the worship of God is to our lives if we make worship something convenient. It is convenient to drop your kids off at Sunday School and worship alone. This will eventually provoke your children to anger in this area when you “make the switch” as they get older. Do not provoke your children to anger but rather teach them and admonish them and nourish them in the way of worshipping together as a family.
NURTURE YOUR CHILDREN. If you were to starve your children and the State were to find out, you would surely receive a visit from Child Protective Services. But if you were to feed your children Chicken McNuggets and ice cream for every meal no one would know the difference. However, you would still be starving your children and in fact killing them over a long period of time. Paul gives the parents instruction to nurture or “bring up” our children in the discipline and admonition of the Lord. Worship is as essential to our children’s spiritual growth as vitamins are to their physical health. Luke 2:52 says that Jesus himself “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” He had a perfect balance of spiritual growth as a child. He was involved with the local synagogue and was well versed in the Scriptures. He experienced corporate and family worship.
Body worship on Sunday morning is an excellent opportunity to nurture your children. Let’s be honest—children don’t always want to come to church. I remember catching a mysterious cold on Sunday mornings when I was a child. Somehow I was always healthy by 12pm when it was time to go out and play. Your doctor would think that you were insane if you said that you didn’t feed your children healthy food just because they didn’t like it. We do more battle with our children at the dinner table over physical nutrition than we do over their eternal destiny on Sunday mornings! Your children aren’t going to hear every word the preacher says. Lord knows your mind wanders too. Your children will pick up on more than you realize as you worship with them. Sunday morning body worship was a steady diet for me when I was a child. My morning started with Junior Church but ended with corporate worship or vice versa. The leaders of GRPC desire that you would nurture your children in worship every Sunday morning.
INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN. This word has the meaning of discipline. The Bible is clear that a loving Father will discipline his children. An unloving father will not discipline his children (Hebrews 12). The idea of discipline is a lost, well, discipline. We are told to let our children
Our children might go through phases of hating church. It might be boring to them for a
ADMONISH YOUR CHILDREN. This means to instruct and encourage. This may sound repetitive. However, this word stresses the verbal communication between parents and children. This word stresses the actual teaching of a child from the Word of God. The Proverbs are instructions from a father to a son. This means that the application of worship is the direct responsibility of the parent—not the preachers or the leaders of the church.
The greatest encouragement and the greatest repercussions of corporate worship are exercised in the home. When the Supreme Court handed down its ruling against required prayer in the public schools, the famous editorial cartoonist Herblock published a cartoon in the Washington Post showing an angry father waving a newspaper at his family and shouting, “What do they expect us to do—listen to the kids pray at home?” The answer is: Yes! Home is the place where the children ought to learn about the Lord and the Christian life. It is time that Christian parents stop “passing the buck” to Sunday School teachers and Christian day-school teachers, and start instructing and encouraging their children.
SO WHAT ABOUT WORSHIP? Hebrews 10:24 says that we must not forsake meeting together. Jesus says that we must not forsake the little children in our assembly. Acts 2 says that the promise of the covenant of grace is for us and for our children. I could go on and on but you get the point. It is our desire that families would worship together. We do not want our families to simply drop their children off at Sunday School and attend the worship service. We want our families to worship as one so that you might be able to follow the instructions of Ephesians 6:4.
How does this work out at GRPC? When your children are too old for nursery it is time (and perhaps earlier depending on the child) to begin teaching them about corporate worship. If you are a Sunday School participant this would mean having your children with you in the 11am service. If you do not go to Sunday School or you attend the 9:15am service this would mean having your children attend with you in the 9:15am service and leaving the Sunday School teaching and application up to you in the home from day to day. Another suggestion for 9:15am parents would be to attend worship in the 9:15am service while your kids are in Sunday School and then attend the 11am service with your children.
I remember when my first child was born. I would be showing her off to various friends and family and they would all warn me that the years would pass by quickly. I would agree with them but I did not fully understand the weight of those warnings. Every night when I put my son to bed I tell him that he must know that he can talk to daddy about anything. I assure him that he can talk to me when he is sad, mad, angry, hurt, afraid, broken hearted and the like. I tell him he can talk to me about school, girls, and his hopes and fears. Now he has no idea what it means to talk to me about girls. But there will never be a day when he hasn’t heard that he can approach me about girls. That way, when he lays his eyes on his first crush, he knows that one man he can approach without fear or rejection—his father. I am training our children the same way in worship. They may not fully understand what justification means but there will come a day when it all clicks. I hope that they are realizing the importance of corporate worship as they begin to attend the services with us. Sometimes it will be boring for them and hard to swallow. That is where I come in. Now that the preacher has closed in prayer it is time for me to step up to the plate and to begin swinging at the pitches my children throw my way. By the Lord’s grace and mercy I will not strike out but rather watch how my children will continue to walk upright in the ways of the Lord and never depart from them.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 3:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Rules of Engagement Part I: Thrive by the Word
Pastor Dan's sermon from 5/11/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 17:1-5
Click here to listen.
The new series has begun and I am very excited about sharing what God is teaching me through his Word. We are back in Acts as we follow Paul and his team on their second and third missionary journeys. This sermon, Thrive by the Word, takes a look at Acts 17:1-9 as Paul preaches the gospel to a newly planted church in Thessalonica. Paul relied on the Word of God as the primary means of teaching people about Jesus Christ. We should be following in the early church's footsteps and make sure that we are literate in the knowledge of the Bible.
This past week I ended with a question. What now? You may have been convicted about your own dedication to God's Word by the end of the sermon. I wasn't able to offer too many ideas from the pulpit due to time. But I would like to share a few with you now. How do you start "thriving by the Word".
First off, you have to set a part the time to study the Word--especially if you are either sporadic or non-practicing. Early morning, afternoon, night time? Any time will work. The point is set a part the time and get alone with the Lord. Be still and know that our God is God.
Second, decide where to start. Instead of trying to pick out particular verses that you think "help you", approach the Word of God with the determination to let God speak to you and teach you. The best way to do this is by studying one book at a time. You will learn the themes, the reason why it was written, how it ties to God's covenant with his people, how it points to Jesus Christ as the Messiah. You will also learn many practical truths by studying one book at a time.
Third, write about what you learn. Don't just think about it. Write about it so that you can see your thoughts and knowledge are concrete. I often used to study out loud and I still read my prepared notes out loud when I prepare for a sermon. It is good to hear your thoughts with your own ears. It is good to see what God is teaching you on paper. In the future you will be able to look back to see how God has used his word to transform you.
Fourth, pray. Use the Psalms and pray through them. Yes, you can open your eyes. Take a Psalm each day and pray through them by reading the words and applying them on the spot to your own life.
For instance Psalm 1:1 says, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. For his delight is in the Law of the Lord and on it he meditates day and night." You could pray by reading these words out loud and than applying them to your own situation by offering up to the Lord, "Lord, I pray for your blessing this day, enable me to recognize and flee from those who would counsel me in sin, help me to stay away from my sinful ways and desires, give me the strength to be a strong witness rather than the source of mockery. Lord, I am convicted that I do not always delight in your Word. Speak to me through your Word and help me to delight in it day and night."
If we are to engage the world and engage the trials the Lord has given us we must be standing fast in His Word. His Word is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training us to stand in righteousness so that we might be prepared and equipped for every good work he has prepared for us.
Reading God's Word will not make you any more a son of the Living God than you already are if you placed your faith and trust in Christ alone for salvation. But these times will bless you and draw YOU closer to the Lord as you learn more about his redemptive story. You will be ready to engage what the Lord has prepared for you.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Rules Of Engagement
This Sunday I will begin a new series that I am calling "The Rules Of Engagement". We will continue to move through the books of Acts as we continue to see what God desires of His Church.
Today, Church has become a big American business. They even have franchises and business plans that guarantee success (which often do not provide success). Meanwhile, the light of the Gospel in many churches continue to grow dim as America heads in a downward spiral away from Christ and toward the self. These growth experts want us to brand ourselves, advertise and market the Gospel. Some of this is appropriate and much of it is a load. How will we pick through the garbage to determine what God desires of GRPC? How are we to be effective in our culture as a church and as members of the community? In other words what are the Rules of Engagement in our Mission?
I believe we find the answers in Acts. I will be preaching a three week series that will affect your life as God's Word penetrates your heart. The series is called "The Rules of Engagement". We will look at Acts 17-Acts 18. The first week we will take a look at the Suffiency of Scripture in a sermon called, "Thrive By The Word". The second week we will take a look at engaging the culture with out preaching a stupid-type gospel (which is no gospel at all) called, "The Lay of the Land". The third week we will take a look at what kind of a person it takes to be relevant in our culture with a sermon I am calling, "Stand Tall, Stand Fast."
I really believe that the Lord has a lot to teach all of us through this sermon series. He will teach us to be disciples not only in the community but in our home and "private" lives. I hope and pray that the Lord will speak to you by the power of his Word over the next three weeks.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
What's Next?
This Sunday, we will return to the book of Acts beginning in chapter 17. Paul and his associates are continuing on their missionary journey as they reach the city limits of Thessalonica. Paul had a habit of going to influential cities and Thessalonica was no different. It was a free city, with no Roman Garrison and a population of about 200,000. This was very large in those days. Paul would have a period of about three weeks to plant a church before he would be run out of town. We hear that large crowds believed Paul as he reasoned with them, proved to them that Christ was the Messiah and challenged them to believe in the resurrection.
The main reason I started to preach from Acts was so that our church could take a look at what it means to be missional. How do we reach our culture the way the early Christian church reached their culture. This week we will see that God's Word is sufficient for church growth. I am looking forward to another week with God's people on His Day.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 2:28 PM 0 comments
FOUND Part X: Today is Not Like Tomorrow
Pastor Dan's sermon from 5/4/2008
Scripture Reference: Galatians 2:20-3:3
Click here to listen.
This sermon finishes up the 10 week long series called, "FOUND". This was a series on the order of salvation. This sermon examines the doctrine of sanctification--the reason why tomorrow will not be like today is because Christ lives in his people.
You might be asking, "What about glorification?" I preached a series on Heaven back in November/December of 2007. I would encourage you listen to that series to have a better understanding of glorification.
This sermon posted here attempts to answer the question of our struggle with sin. Once God finds his people--calls them, regenerates them, bestows faith and repentance upon them, justifies them and adopts them--what happens? God continues his gracious and continuous work by sanctifying us. This is a progressive work that starts the day we believe and continues until the day we die. I examine this doctrine from the point of view found in Galatians 2:20 through 3:3. I hope that this sermon will help you see why Tomorrow is not like Today for those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
FOUND Part IX: The World is an Orphanage
Pastor Dan's sermon from 4/27/2008
Scripture Reference: Ephesians 1:4-5; Romans 8; John 1:12-13
Click here to listen.
There has been a tiny bit of confusion based on a few funny remarks from this past week's sermon concerning my desire to spend time outside of my home. I was poking a little fun at myself concerning how I am a homebody. I commented on how I like to be in the comfort of my own home. Now, this has the possibility to be misconstrued so I want to clear a few things up just in case you were wondering.
I am a person who likes the comfort of home--just like most normal people. But home does not necessarily mean only my address. I like to be in familiar environments. This means around friends, family, favorite vacation spots, favorite social spots etc. What this does not mean is that I only want to spend time with my wife and children at our primary residence and no one else. My family loves to be around people whether in our own home or theirs. The best times we have are with friends and family!
I love spending time with people. I love being in big groups of people. I love going out and having a great time with family AND friends. I enjoy the company of other people in my home and going to their home for dinner, lunch or just to shoot the breeze.
Why am I writing this? Because I was thinking about my homebody comments and believe they could be taken the wrong way. Besides, I might be missing out on a few dinner invitations because of them and Lord knows I love a good meal.
My point in the illustration was about that terrible feeling of homesickness. Once you get it there is nothing that can solve it except a return trip to home. I wanted to illustrate the point of the spiritually orphaned who are homesick yet have not yet been found. Hopefully this is something we can all identify with. We love the familiarity of home and when God FINDs us, that sickness is gone and replaced with the warmth of a familiar place--the arms of God.
When we are adopted by the God the Father we no longer have this homesickness to the degree that we had it before. That sin that entered the world through Adam alienated us from God. But God out of his mere good mercy and pleasure elected some to everlasting life and entered into a New Covenant with them so that he might adopt them as his sons and daughters. Adoption means that God is once again as familiar to us as a father is familiar to his children. What a wonderful God we serve!
So yes, I do like to hang out in other places outside of my own home...just as long as I get to go back home at some point in the future. Being home is a wonderful thing.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Significance of the Lord's Day
I think timing is always perfect in God's eyes. My dad, Dr. Betters, preached a sermon on the Lord's Day this past week. This same week I finished the final copy of my Thesis for my Master's Degree entitled, "The Perpetual Significance of the Fourth Commandment". What this means in real-world language is that the paper addresses the importance of the Lord's Day for the Church today. I am uploading a copy today if you should ever want to take a look at it and read. It is less than 100 pages of reading. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, if you should take the time to read it, and be blessed by God's Word. Click Here for the Thesis.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
FOUND Part VIII: My Chains Fell Off
Pastor Dan's sermon from 4/20/2008
Scripture Reference: Various Scriptures
Click here to listen.
It was good to be back this week with my brothers and sisters at GRPC. God continues to bless our congregation and multiply us both in numbers and in our spiritual depth. May his name be praised.
This past week, I preached on Justification by faith alone. Now as many of you know, I could continue preaching on justification for many weeks to come. However, I have decided to keep moving toward Adoption (this next week's sermon). I have also finished the FOUND publication for this week which can be found to your right on the screen by clicking on "Issue 7". We will not be printing Issue 7 so think of it as an online exclusive. I hope that you will enjoy it.
Remember, we will be printing Issue 8 this week and you can pick up a copy on your way into church. I am looking forward to worshipping with you all once again this Lord's Day. I am sure there will be another post between now and then as I study God's Word and prepare to preach on Adoption-what a wonderful doctrine...
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Spain Day Five
Tonight was the last night of conference for the missionary men. It was our last night to lead worship and from here on out we will get to take in some of the sights of Malaga. I am very much looking forward to the sight seeing time. Historical sights always put things in perspective for me--the help me to see how little time we are here on this earth.
Tonight while Chuck, Markie and I were waiting for dinner and for the conference to wrap up, something incredible happened to us. Most of the story will be best told in person--and you know that I WILL share it in a sermon. But what happened in those few minutes became the reason why I was in Spain. As we sat there speaking with one of the missionaries two men appeared out of nowhere and began to ask us why we were there. The missionary and the men spoke a few words between them about the difference between Presbyterians and other denominations. It turned out that these men were from Norway and Iceland and were on visiting Malaga.
Chuck and I began to get involved in the conversation and all of the sudden it turned from a discussion about denominations to answering the question, "What must we do to be saved?" The incredible thing was that these men did not seem to believe that faith in Christ is what saved but rather our obedience to the law and our good works. I began to share with them from the Scriptures about faith in Christ alone and union with Christ. I named chapters and verses. As time went on, one of the men seemed to become more frustrated while the other was visibly moved by what I shared. He said that he had never heard such teachings before and that he was amazed! I was able to experience what the disciples experienced as they taught the Scriptures and they too were amazed 2000 years ago.
There is much more to share about this story and I promise that I will in time. But the Lord showed me that I belonged in Spain at that moment. I established a relationship with the man and will continued to share the Gospel with him--at his request. All good things come from the Lord
Posted by Pastor Dan at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Spain Day Four
We had dinner with all of the men again. Chuck and Markie and I ate with the Swedish contigent. We had great conversation with a few national Swedish pastors and their American counterpart. We talked music, worship, kids, family and the things of the Lord. We laughed...a lot. Markie has been crowned the king of fried food. Anything fried looks American to him and he is all over it. They serve wine with our dinner every night--as much as we want--no worries, we don't want that much--though the Irish missionaries are a type of wine expert and a lot of fun to be around.
It has been interesting to see how our worship evolved quickly from a mixture of hymns, psalms and choruses to mostly hymns and psalms. You have got to hear these men sing the psalms. Tonight, I read Romans 5 to the men through verse 11. I shared a story about my dad's love for us--even to a fault. I related my dad's love to the love of God and the love each of these men have for their own children. God loved us so much more than we love our own children. He loved us so much that while we were still his enemies he gave his son over to us to die for our hatred. After I read Scripture we sang How Deep the Father's Love for Us. This song resonated with the men as they sing it in their own churches and deeply appreciate the theological depth to a modern song.
Today, the three Amigos (Chuck, Markie and Myself) walked along the Mediterranean Sea yesterday for a few moments of sunshine. Previously, I was feeling very homesick and was typically worried about the future travel plans. I sat down and prayed in my room. I asked the Lord for peace. A few minutes later, the rain stopped, the clouds broke and the three of us were able to get outside, laugh and just debrief with all that we were learning. What a direct answer to prayer.
God really has been good to us even in the small things. The conference will be coming to a close tomorrow and the three of us will be taking in some of the sights.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 4:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Spain Day Three
It is now day three. Even since yesterday, my relationship with some of these men has grown past "hi". What I am learning is that the pastors of the churches in Eastern and Western Europe are a microcosm of what the American church will be in 25-50 years. They are struggling with the same issues that pastors in America struggle with. How do we stay relevant without dumbing down the Gospel? Why are there less people in the American churches? One quote from a Scottish preacher was that only 5% of Scots are in a church. One pastor has a large Scottish church of 300 people (tiny by American standards)! The churches are in a truly secular world that is bogged down in rationalism and nominalism. And yet these men press on.
What grieves my spirit is that I see all of the same signs in America. I see the lights in the American church going dark. They are going dark because many large churches do not preach the Gospel. Sure, they have some numbers but they are not faithful to God's Word. What good can come of this?
As I sit here right now and hear the preacher expound on Elijah on Mount Carmel (I Kings 17) I am encouraged because I remember once again that God can and will have victory in his church. He can do it in an instant or he can do it over much time. We can never stop preaching the Word. Even if the prophets of Oprah are in the hundreds and thousands and the disciples of Osteen/T.D. Jakes and other health, wealth and prosperity heretics continue to lead people astray, we cannot ever compromise. We must stand here on Mount Carmel and KNOW that God will reveal himself to even the most pagan of people. God is not a domesticated God. He will not be held in a false prophet's box.
No. Our God scoffs at the wickedness of men (Psalm 2). He is Holy, holy, holy who instills fear in the godliest of prophet's. He causes men to fall down as though dead. He cleans house when his house has been corrupted. I do not fear for the invisible church of God. I fear for those who are outside of it.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 3:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Spain Day Two: Are We Still Amazed
Worship went very well this morning because these men love to sing God's praises. We opened with Psalm 122 to the tune of an old hymn. You should have heard these men sing! I was wondering if they would sing on songs like, Blessed Be The Name of the Lord" worries there. Like I said, we are all a bit similar.
But it is the message that I heard today that I want to tell you about. A Scottish missionary/pastor, David Meredith spoke this morning on I Kings 17:7-24. It was amazing to hear God's word preached. At one paint David preached that we often become deists in the Reformed Faith. We believe God has wound up that world and now sits back and watches. He wondered if we believe that God can do amazing things.
I wonder the same thing. Do I believe that God does work in miraculous ways and that he is completely involved with me, with my family, with my ministry, with our church? I wonder. We often want to do things ourselves and God allows us to set up our pride and our idols and we never get to experience the work of God in his amazing way.
Well I was truly blessed and can't wait to see what the Lord will teach me next.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Spain Day One
I have never been on a different continent before. Here I am, in Europe, in Spain. Our first day was full of future sermon illustrations. From jetlag, to customs, to interrogations by Spanish police. Then there was the taxi ride which proved to me how safe flying really is!
Chuck and I are wondering how things will go tomorrow. We have met several of the missionaries and our main speaker and are excited to worship with them. There are men here from Bulgaria, the Ukraine, England, Ireland, Scotland (the Glorious Republic of Scotland we were reminded), France and many other countries. And yet what I realize is how similar we all really are. These men have many of the same struggles and battles that I have in the ministry.
It is incredible to see how small the world really is. I am on the Mediterranean Sea yet I feel as if I am just across the street. Spain is beautiful (except for their Customs headquarters!). The people are laid back and pleasant and it seems as if time is a little slower here. That could be just the jetlag, but these are my first impressions.
Looking forward to worship and the word in the morning. I hope that the Lord blesses you this week as you press on for the Gospel in your own context.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
FOUND Part VII: Rewired
Pastor Dan's sermon from 4/6/2008
Scripture Reference: II Corinthians 7:9-13 & Acts 16:16-40
Click here to listen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
See as God Sees
Be transformed...this is the instruction of Paul in Romans 12:2. Be transformed. What will happen when we are transformed? We will know what God's will is. What does this mean to us? We will see as God sees. In respect to what? We will see God, ourselves, sin and righteousness in a new light as we live a new life. This is the walk of repentance.
Repentance often has bad connotations. When we are told to be transformed and to walk a life of repentance we conjure up visions of whipping our backs and mourning all of the time. Although we are to mourn over our sin we are not to live a life of sadness but rather of joy. When we are transformed we have an understanding of walking a joyful life of repentance. We are transformed when God implants new life and we respond by placing our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. We understand that we cannot do what Christ has done. As a result we live a faithful life of repentance. We see the world the way God sees the world.
In respect to God he is now the loving Father and not the one we hate. We were once the enemies of God (Romans 5) but now are loved by him and love him. We approach the throne with humility and confidence (Hebrews 4). God is to be worshipped when we are transformed.
In respect to ourselves we come to an understanding that we were once lost in sin (Romans 3) but now have been rescued (Galatians 4). We were once lost and in need of salvation but are now found and awaiting glory.
In respect to sin we now hate it with all that we are. We still sin. In fact, when we are redeemed the battle has just begin (Romans 7). Sin has been dealt a mortal wound yet we continue to do battle until the day that we are present with Christ Jesus in heaven. Yet our view concerning sin changes. When we do sin, we confess it to the Lord and desire to never do it again. Our consciences are no longer seared and scarred (Romans 1).
In respect to righteousness we now crave to be made so. We understand that nothing we do makes us righteous. No, it is by faith that we are justified, not by observing some code of conduct (Romans 4, Galatians 2). Being justified we have been made righteous in the sight of God by the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Have you been transformed by the renewing of your mind? Are you walking a life of repentance? It is then that you will know what God's good, pleasing and perfect will is for you.
Posted by Pastor Dan at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
FOUND Part VI: 180 Degrees
Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/30/2008
Scripture Reference: II Corinthians 7:9-13 & Acts 16:16-40
Click here to listen.
Repent! This was the message this past Sunday. Repent! Where do we go from here? How does the message on Sunday translate into our weekly walk with the Lord? If you are a believer this message is an every day message to be learned. We don't just simply repent once, but rather bring our sinful burden to the Lord every day.
What are the sins in your life that need to be confessed to the Lord? What have you not given over to him? What is causing the guilt? Repentance unto life is an understanding of our sin and guilt but also the apprehension of the mercy of God in Christ Jesus. In other words, we know how deep our sin goes but we also understand that the grace of God is even deeper. So deep that the Psalms tell us that our sins will no longer be remembered by God. Yes, they are as far as the east is from the west! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for his atoning work.
This is how the message translates: repent of your sin this week. Turn from it and unto God with a full purpose of obedience after his law. Know that Christ has done what you cannot do and that as such you are forgiven if you have placed your faith in the person of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
For the Glory of it All
Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/23/2008
Scripture Reference: Luke 24:13-35
Click here to listen.
Oh what a Happy Day this past Sunday was. I knew around 8:50am that the Lord was moving in our church and that we were in for quite a ride. It was very exciting to see the earlier service with so many people ready to worship the Lord on Resurrection Sunday. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
This Sunday I realized once again how blessed I am to minister to such a great congregation. It was good to see all of your faces and to worship with you on such a special Sunday. We were able to experience a little piece of the joy that the disciples experienced when Cleopas and his friend from Emmaus reached Jerusalem after seeing Jesus alive.
This is what church is all about! We are to declare to each other the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. His resurrection is the proof of our salvation! Praise be to God our Father. Jesus lived, died, rose again and is coming back again for the glory of it all!
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
FOUND Part V: Faith is Blind... and Other Lies About Christianity 2
Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/16/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 16:16-40
Click here to listen.
As I was greeting my brothers and sisters at the door this past Sunday some of you commented on how you were encouraged to hear about the different elements of faith (knowledge, conviction, and trust). The elements are part of our mind, heart and will. Some of you had never heard these distinctions before.
Do you know that young people used to carry around pocket sized versions of John Calvin's institutes when he was first publishing them? I wonder what has happened in the past 500 years that we need everything in a magazine form now. Reading will challenge you to think deeper and to grow stronger in your faith.
I want to encourage all of you to go deeper in your faith and to study theology to a much greater depth. Theology is simply the study of God and his relationship to us and the world. There are some great books I would like to recommend that will take you past the normal Christian Bookstore readings and into a much greater depth. Some of these include:
Summaries of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof. This is a short book and summary of his larger works "Manual of Christian Doctrine and the even larger Systematic Theology. This Summaries book is a great start to studying theology.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. It is interesting to me that many Christians find this writing to be "too deep". The title explains how these are the basics. Still Lewis takes us into a deeper understanding of our faith.
The Gospel for Every Day Life by Jerry Bridges. This is a great book that takes theology and speaks in every day terms. You will study the how's and why's of the Gospel as Mr. Bridges leads you into the edges of the theology of salvation.
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray. This is another incredible small work that packs so much into so few pages. You could read a chapter a day and be completely blessed for the entire day.
These are just a few books to get started with. I hope that you might take me up on this idea and go a little deeper into the sermon series by reading some of this material. In the mean time, the Lord keep you and bless you this week.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
FOUND Part IV: Faith Is Blind... and Other Lies About Christianity
Pastor Dan's sermon from 3/9/2008
Scripture Reference: Acts 16:25-38
Click here to listen.
This past week we began to take a look at Faith and Repentance. These are two of the effects of Regeneration or being "born again". God implants new life and enables the believer to respond in faith and repentance.
This upcoming week we will take a close look at Faith and Repentance as we continue with part 2 of Faith is Blind...and other Lies About Christianity.
Posted by GRPC Webmaster at 9:58 AM 0 comments