Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Midnight Prayer


How great you are in heaven, we praise your Holy Name.
Will your kingdom come quickly? We pray that it would be so.
Even now we wonder what are daughter is doing. Is she healthy?
Does she feel loved? Father, we pray that your will would be done
In her life as you have already determined in heaven before all time.
We pray that you would sustain her daily with bread and with your power.
We pray that you would keep her safe from all that is evil. Protect her for us Father.
Father we pray for her deliverance from physical and spiritual harm. Surround her with
your loving arms and hold her firmly in your grip.
Guide us, direct us and sustain us until the day that we meet our little girl.
It is in your son's name, Jesus Christ, that we ask and pray all of these things.
