Friday, July 27, 2007

Like Minds

As a pastor, I get the opportunity to read a lot. I also receive a lot of recommendations about books, sermons, tapes and CD's and MP3's (depending on the age of the recommending person). I am not in the habit of recommending any books and in that vein, I will recommend a few books.

The reason I am recommending them is because I believe they are mostly sound and because they will help you understand somewhat of where I am coming from. Basically, by reading these books I believe you will be edified and encouraged and also brought into a like-spirit and like-mind.

Check out Mark Driscoll's "Radical Reformission" and "Confessions of a Reformissional Reverend". Just go to and look up "Radical Reformission". I read both of these books in two days. Much of what was said has affected me and I hope they will do the same for you.

In now way do these recommendations supplant the Word of God. In fact, I believe that these books sometimes disagree with God's Word. But these kinds of books can encourage you and make you think. Feel free to post about what you are reading.

In the mean time, God bless.


Deb said...

Hi Dan. I'll check out Mark Driscoll's books. I've seen a few of his videos already too, which were pretty powerful.

I also like pretty much anything that Tim Keller does. He's PCA and has an awesome ministry in NYC, North Jersey, the Bronx, etc.

revolution said...

Driscoll gave me permission to "be myself" when the christian community was trying to squeeze me into its mold.