As I was "fencing" the table this past Sunday I really thought about the children in our church. It is my belief that as parents we should be excited about teaching our kids about the Lord's Supper. If you are like me, than you probablly don't think about teaching your kids about the Lord's Supper during the week. You may not even remember to talk to your kids about it in between the times that we celebrate the sacrament. Before you know it, they are 12 years old and you still haven't talked with your children about the Lord's Supper. I want to encourage all parents to teach their children quickly so that they might participate with the rest of the body in the Lord's Supper. To that end, I want to give you a few points about the Lord's Supper that might teach you so that you can teach your children.
Start off by looking at the Westminster Shorter Catechism. You may want to read the Larger Catechism for yourself and the Confession of Faith chapter on the Lord's Supper and the one on the Sacraments. But for these purposes, read and study the Shorter Catechism questions and answers for questions 91, 92, 96, and 97. You can click on the "Shorter Catechism" link on the right side of this page for easy reference.
After your own study and reflection, focus on question 96 and 97. Let's break it down for you and for your children.
Question 96. What is the Lord's Supper?
First it is a sacrament. Teach your children what that means (refer to question 92). Simply put, sacraments are commands of Christ. We observe "communion" because Jesus has told us to do so.
Second, we eat a little piece of bread and drink some grape juice (should be wine!) because these little signs were given to us by Jesus on the night he was betrayed to represent how his body would be hurt and punished in our place. He would be put on a bloody cross and the cup and bread represent how Jesus took our punishment for sin on the cross. He was punished for us.
Third, Jesus told us to remember him by this sacrament. So when we take part in the Lord's Supper, we remember what he did for us. We celebrate with joy that fact that we are forgiven. We also look to his coming again with anticipation
Fourth, by taking the bread and wine we are strengthened in our faith and we grow in grace. Just like our bodies need food to get bigger and stronger, our faith is fed by doing what Jesus told us to do.
Now take a look at question 97. Simply put, how do I prepare for the Lord's Supper?
First, you must be a Christian. Explain to your children what it means to be a believer. We must have repentance for our sins, posess faith in Jesus Christ as our atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, and follow after him by faith. Parenthetically, raise your children as if they are always believers. You must assume that they are unless they demonstrate otherwise. They may never have that moment where they "ask" Jesus into their heart. That is more for us than it is for them. Raise them to know, love and fear God rather than to "pray the sinners prayer".
Second, when we partake of the Lord's Supper we must ask if we are repentant of sin in our lives and committed to love God and love others. We don't come to the Table as perfect people but as broken and joyful people. Maybe tell your kids the story of the publican and the pharisee that Jesus tells to demonstrate this point.
Use illustrations when talking with your kids. But your goal, once you know that your children believe should be to have your children interviewed by and elder-- hopefully one that they feel comfortable with. You can sit in with them to discuss the Lord's Supper with an elder of the church.
When should you begin talking with your kids about the Lord's Supper? As soon as possible. Why would we want them to miss out on another observance?
For children, I believe that an understanding of the Lord's Supper can be as simple as, "The Lord's Supper reminds me that Jesus died for me on the cross for my sins. Taking the Lord's Supper helps me to grow in my faith as I remember that Jesus died, resurrected and is coming again."
Feel free to post or ask questions. But make it a point before we celebrate communion again!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Teaching Your Kids About the Lord's Supper
Posted by Pastor Dan at 7:21 AM
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