Monday, November 26, 2007

What's Heaven Really Like? Part 2: And To Die Is Gain

Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/25/2007

Scripture Reference: Philippians 1:21-23; John 14:1-6; I Corinthians 15; I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Click here to listen.

Update 11/27/2007: This link should now play the correct sermon.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

What's Heaven Really Like? Week 2 Devotional

This is the devotional on Heaven that Pastor Dan passed out during his sermon on 11/25/07.

Week 2 Devotional

What's Heaven Really Like? Part I

Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/18/2007

Scripture Reference: Acts 8:54-60

Click here to listen.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What's Heaven Really Like? - Devotional

This is the devotional Pastor Dan passed out during his sermon on 11/18/07. There are two different versions, one for high speed internet connections, and the second for dial-up connections.

Devotional - High Speed

Devotional - Dial-Up

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What's Heaven Really Like?

What happens when we die? Will I be scared? Will Jesus truly come take me into heaven? Will I see a blinding light? What will heaven be like assuming I make it there? Will I look like I do now just glorified? What does that mean? Will there be age differences? Will I really not be married? What about those harps and clouds? Will I be singing worship songs the WHOLE time? What is heaven really like?

This past week, I thought I had finished a series on Stephen in Acts 7. However, my wife pointed out that I did not reach the conclusion of the story starting in verse 54. This account is one of the only actual glimpses of heaven that the Scriptures reveal to us. As a result, I decided to preach on Acts 7 and to truly finish the story of Stephen.

However, as I began to study I realized that the Lord was directing me to not preach about Stephen but rather about what Stephen saw. Luke records a real glimpse into heaven. Upon further prayer and meditation and reflection upon God's Word I realized that I don't know that much about heaven. It is true that I could talk about it and what may or may not be happening there--but do I have a true full biblical view of the promises of heaven.

Therefore, the Lord has led me to begin a series on heaven this week. I will take the series through December 16th. It will begin with a study on Stephen's picture of heaven. I can't wait to begin this series on Sunday. I am planning to involve the whole congregation on this journey. Come along with me as we see what God has in store for us.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

No Matter What the Cost Part III

Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/11/2007

Scripture Reference: Acts 7:1-53

Click here to listen.

Monday, November 5, 2007

No Matter What the Cost Part II

Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/4/2007

Scripture Reference: Acts 7:1-53

Click here to listen.