Saturday, November 29, 2008

Is Siddhi Safe?

We have been asked by many people whether or not Siddhi is safe in India. We believe that she is. First of all, she is not in Mumbai. She is far away from the attacks. But secondly but most important, she is in the hands of our Sovereign God. We are not fearful. God sits in the heavens and laughs at those who would oppose him. They have come before and they will come again.

God has a plan for little Siddhi. I don't know the outcome of the plan but I know that she is his daughter before she is my daughter. Even so, I would ask that all of you pray for Siddhi. Laura and I are waiting for the call to go and pick her up. We are waiting for both governments to clear us. Please pray that God's will would be done.

When Faith Burns

Tomorrow, I will be preaching from Daniel 3. Many preachers have used this text to talk about how we need to be faithful in times of trial. Other preachers might focus on the deliverance aspect of Daniel 3. It is true that God did deliver his three faithful servants from the fires of the king. But there is one verse in Daniel 3 that we could easily miss if we are not careful.

When the three Jewish captives are asked who might deliver them from the king's fires they respond with the name of God. However, they also add that it is just as much possible that God will not save them as it is possible that he will keep them from harm. Sometimes, faith burns.

Hebrews 11 is a great passage of examplary faith. Yet even in this passage the writer, when finished speaking about all of the heroes of old, speaks of those who had the same kind of faith yet were sawed in two on occasion.

Do we have faith in faith? Or do we have a faith that burns? Is our faith in a sovereign God and his will for us or is it in our own faith? Sometimes, true faith burns.

I'm looking forward to preaching through this famous text tomorrow. I hope that the Holy Spirit will speak to all of us in a powerful way.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where is the Kingdom of God?

Jim Jones believed he had found the Kingdom of God. Indeed he believed that he was God incarnate. He led over 900 other souls to believe that he had brought the Kingdom of God to bear on the world in a mosquito infested, hot-as-hell, cult compound in the middle of a jungle in South America. When it became all to clear that Jim Jones was just an angry drugged out drunk he began a murderous rampage that involved mass-suicide and the death of hundreds of children and adults. Jim Jones' congregation were looking for the Kingdom of God in the midst of a broken world. The Kingdom of God had not been revealed in Jonestown.

In the 1970's Jimmy Carter claimed to be a born again Christian and a new political kingdom was born. Evangelicals, Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jews, and even non-religious people banded together to form a Moral Majority. Their mission was to be an expression of the Kingdom of God on earth through the public square. Theology was kicked to the curb and a confusion of the Kingdoms was once again en vogue. America was God's Country. Evangelicals were looking for the Kingdom of God in the midst of a broken world. After 30 years of hard fought politics many Christians are confused because they have found that the Kingdom of God is not revealed in a moralistic America.

Am I saying that Jim Jones cult members and the Christian Right are one in the same? No way. What I am trying to demonstrate is that misunderstood theology of last things leads to very dangerous conclusions and results. When we confuse the two Kingdoms or ignore what is called "eschatology" (study of redemptive history) our whole view of the world is thrown off balance.

Let's admit it. Everything is not right with the world today. War, immorality, failed promises, economic problems, social injustice, crime, and the list goes on. The American Church is struggling to find it's place in the midst of post-modernism. If you are honest with yourself you may have thought at one time or another, "Where is the Kingdom of God?"

Jesus spoke of this Kingdom. He said that it was coming and that it had already arrived. We are told that Jesus has conquered sin and death and yet sin and death still seem to have victory. Just turn on the news for a few minutes and you will see what I am talking about. Where is this Kingdom of God?

This week, and perhaps in the coming weeks, I am going to be preaching on the Kingdom of God through the book of Daniel. I chose the book of Daniel because I believe it will bring comfort to God's church in the midst of difficult times. Our understanding of the Kingdom of God will teach us how to live in the public square as we keep our hearts fixed on this Kingdom that Jesus spoke of so long ago.

If you want to come prepared this Sunday I would encourage you to read Daniel chapter 2. Ask God to open your heart to his Word and allow the Holy Spirit to bring to bear his Word on your life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Making History

My wife and I sat on the couch completely in awe of the events that we saw unfolding before our eyes. No one could have scripted a movie or drama that would even compare. I knew as I watched President-Elect Barack Obama take the stage that I was witnessing a true historic event. It was hard to not be caught in the emotion and the weight of the moment as he began another speech--only this time he was speaking to the nation as our next President. People all over the world were celebrating the new era of American politics and policy.

I am not a political expert. I vote my conscience and try to honor the Lord as I labor in two kingdoms. You have heard me preach about my understanding of the Kingdom of this world and the Kingdom that is not of this world. I do not hold to the values and ideology that our new President holds to and yet I can see the great impact and significance that America's choice will have and has already had on the world and in our country. What our next President has done is remarkable in and of itself. He is a brilliant man, a leader and now he is our President. ANd he is a pretty good speaker--that will be a nice change for sure (not that this makes a good leader).

The Christian's responsibility is to pray for our leaders. Romans 13 tells us that God himself placed these very leaders in their offices. Therefore we ought to pray for them so that we might live peaceful and quiet lives--so that the Gospel may go out to the corners of the world. Does this mean that our fight against injustice for the unborn is now over? Absolutely not. Does this mean that we ought not to protest decisions that are made that violate God's law? Hardly.

But perhaps we now have the opportunity to reflect on where the American Church has been for the past 50 years. Have we lost our way? Were politics ever the answer to our problems? Is our identity determined by CNN to be a voting group called "Evangelicals/Born Agains"? To quote Maximus in Gladiator when referring to the blood thirsty crowd in the Colisseum, "There was vision for a kingdom and this is not it...this is not it!"

A new age has truly dawned in America. I don't mean to say that change is actually coming or that we can now look forward to a brighter day. I think the days ahead are just as uncertain as they were yesterday. But I take comfort and rest in the promises that our God has set up His kingdom through Christ Jesus and it shall never falter. We don't hold elections every four years to elect a new Messiah. He is King and his Kingdom is not of this world. So until he comes again to consumate his Kingdom we ought to keep living as if the next moment would be before the Lord in glory.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Daniel - No Compromise Part 2

Pastor Dan's sermon from 11/02/2008
Scripture Reference: Daniel 1:1-25
Click here to listen.

Siddhi's Video

You can see how Siddhi is very responsive. She hears her name and responds, makes eye contact and is pretty active. These are all great encouragements to us. She is also wearing a little dress for the first time. Many of the children in the background are waiting for adoptive families. If you and your family or anyone you know is looking to adopt, do not hesitate to contact us!